Monday, July 21, 2008

Things Mexicans Like #1: Fireworks (Fuegos artificiales)

Mexicans take their celebrations VERY seriously. It’s go big or go home around here. There are a few things you can always count on in a fiesta: free shit (the real free shit – the kind that doesn’t cost anything), dancing (bailando), and fireworks. Unfortunately, most of the fireworks around here suck. The fireworks used by the general population of Oaxaca could never compare to a 12” Maximum Thrust, Funky Fantasy, or Total Blowout. No, these fueras are definitely not Big Bad Bangers of Deep Impacts. Far from it. They generally make a lot of noise, set of various car alarms, cause dogs to bark incessantly, wake me up, and then erupt into a little cloud of smoke equivalent to a medium sized fart. It is Guelaguetza weekend (more about that can be found in the Facebook photo album) so fireworks are everywhere as a part of the celebration. What I don’t understand is the frequency at which people shoot them off early in the morning. Seriously? 6 AM? What’s the occasion? Did you have a particularly awesome bowel movement and think, “Hot damn! Let’s break out the fireworks!” Anyway, I hope this dies down a bit after La Guelaguetza.
I spent all weekend acquainting myself with Oaxaca. I walked the perimeter of the historical district, climbed the escaleras to the Guelaguetza Auditorium, and walked to and from the Guelaguetza Alternativa, which was located at the Instituto Tecnologico…a good hour and a half from my house. I know earlier I compared the weather to Tennessee, which is very true (minus some of the humidity); however, I forgot to mention one important thing: no air conditioning. I have yet to encounter it in any building. Most buildings have breezeways, open courtyards, or lots of windows to help ventilate, so no one seems to mind… including me. I’m getting rather used to having my room fluxuate between 73 and 85 degrees (in the seventies at night), so I’m sure when I get back I’ll be fighting over the thermostat with Dad. Also, there’s no ice in drinks, and unless refrigeration is necessary for preservation, drinks are usually room temperature (namely water). Once again, not really a big deal. I only break down and buy a cold drink when I’ve been walking in the heat for a couple of hours. This Saturday, after wandering around for five hours, I decided that I wanted apple juice, but what I ended up accidentally buying was some nasty “apple flavored” soda. Yuck.


Amanda said...

yeah Kassi! Life of the party across the border!

Cheers from Smyrna!

Michael C. said...

Hello Kassi! That sounded interesting. Check out my blog:

Unknown said...

Yeah so pretty sure that this made me laugh out loud. Big time. Unfortunately I was in my Management Science class where laughing is apparently kept to a minimum. Oops. Oh well. Hope your adventures are amazing. I can't wait until you are back up here!

Anonymous said...

I guess mexians don't shoot off Hot Vibes either...

Anonymous said...

Its really funny that they shoot fireworks off at odd hours. I've got neighbors, who just happen to be Mexican, who will shoot firecrackers for no good reason at virtually any hour of the day and as far as I can tell, completely at random.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Mexico. Sorry I didn't take the the time to visit you while you where on duty the last few weeks of the semster. I think I saw the funky apple soda your talking about when I was in Mexico for my mission trip, but I avoided buying it.

Best wishes,

William W.