If you don’t know yet, my “Things Mexicans Like…” trend is inspired by a site called Stuff White People Like. They randomly post new “stuff” but since the “Stuff White People Like” book was just released in May, many of the recent posts have been about that. I seriously wet my pants over this shit because it hits so close to home for me… standing still at concerts, recycling, being vegetarian, loving Asians, Wes Anderson flicks, and Obama… It’s great. If you’re white and these stereotypes don’t apply to you, then you should probably check out your gene pool… or just laugh because you can at least think of 50 white people off the top of your head that do wear New Balance or think they know what’s best for poor people. If you’ve never had a chance to check it out you should, especially since you found out about it from a white person who is Studying Abroad (#72).
Things I Won’t Miss #2 – the neighborhood dogs (los perros del barrio)
I haven’t been able to sleep well at night lately – partially because the dogs in this town NEVER SLEEP. It’s sort of like the honking of the horns thing. Once one dog opens his damn mouth, they all have an opinion, and they voice their opinions, LOUDLY, until a las dos o tres en la manana (2 or 3 in the morning). I’ve gotten so restless listening to them at night that I create dialogue in my head. Last night it went a little something like this:
-Political Dog – “So who do you guys think Obama and McCain are going to choose for running mates?”
And because all Mexican dogs care deeply about American politics…
-1,000 other dogs in the general vicinity of my house – “RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE….”
This goes on for thirty minutes. Until one voice of wisdom emerges…
-Sensible Dog – “You know, the media is only making a big deal out that and every other detail of the election to take your minds off the damage that the Bush administration is still causing.”
1,000 dogs realize that Sensible Dog is correct, and the night falls silent for about 15 minutes, until…
-Music Snob Dog – “In Rainbows is totally the best album since the Bends.”
And because all Mexican dogs have an infinite knowledge of Radiohead…
-1,000 other dogs – “RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE”
Once again, this occurs for approximately half an hour, until diehard Kid A and OK Computer fans get sick of arguing. Finally, the night is calm, until…
-Stupid Fucking Dog – “So, the new Terminator movie is going to kick ass.”
Because even Mexican dogs know that casting Christian Bale won’t save the concept of another Terminator flick from sucking big time.

Too many things to comment on in this post!
I think I'm the one that turned you on to Stuff White People Like.
Love that you got to see the tree. THE TREE! Amazing pictures.
I cried at the end and suggest that you devote a section of your remaining blog time in Oaxaca to the things that you will miss in Mexico.
Miss you!
"There are no rules of the road – merely suggestions."
That quote and your section on the dialog of the local dogs was hilarious. Tule is so awesome. I would hug it. Maybe even slip it the tounge...
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